3:23 PM

Gallery: Movie Images

Avatar Movie Poster 01 - ImdbAvatar Soundtrack Cover - ImdbNeytiri 01Jake prepairing to get his Ikran - ImdbAvatar Movie Poster 02 - Imdb
Jake Meets his Avatar - ImdbColonel Quaritch's Armada - ImdbQuaritch Vs Jake - ImdbTrudy Chacon about to Free Jake and Others - ImdbGrace Confronts Selfridge - Imdb
Neytiri Showing Jake How to Use a Bow - ImdbJake's First Time in the Wild - ImdbYou'll Get Your Legs Back - ImdbTrudy Gets the Scorpion Ready - ImdbGrace Warns Jake Before Heading Back to Hometree - Imdb
The Armada Attacks - ImdbQuaritch in his AMP Suit - ImdbQuaritch Prepairs to Attack - ImdbRouge 1 Fights Back - ImdbNeytiri Contemplates Attacking - Imdb
Neytiri Rides to Save Jake - ImdbJake Gives Away Battle Plans - ImdbNeytiri Encourages Jake to Find his Ikran - ImdbGrace Moves the Team to the Hallelujah Mountains - Imdb

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